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Peters Glen Shade Houses  (trading at Fame Orchids nursery)

For a full catalogue of shade house and shade unit products available from Fame Orchids nursery
please select the "Shade Houses" option from the main menu bar (above).

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‘Dear valued customers’


It is with regret that as from the 1st January 2022 Peters Glen Shade Houses & Fame Orchids Nursery have been forced to increase the prices across our entire range of Shade Houses, Shade Units & Plant stands.

This is due to a sudden and unprecedented rise in the cost of Steel Mesh used in all of our products we manufacture. Together also with the increased cost of Shade Cloth & freight has made it impossible for us to sustain our current prices, that haven’t changed for approx. 8 years. The whole of the manufacturing industry is facing challenging times with Steel & Timber shortages with no improvements in sight. We are constantly looking for ways to keep our costs as low as possible without jeopardising the quality that we have provided for the past 44 years. We hope you will understand our situation and we hope we will be able to keep building quality Shade Houses for many years to come.


Happy growing..


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