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Fame Fertilizing Programme


Basic Culture Notes

Although Orchids are Easy to Grow, Every persons Growing Environment can vary. These Notes are a Basic Guide to Growing Orchids in South East Qld. Growing Orchids in general prefer to grow under 50% to 70% Shade Cloth with a minimum of 6 Hours Filtered Sunlight each day, with protection from Cold Westerly Winds to prevent “Bud Drop”.Orchids benefit from good Air Movement to resist Rots & Fungus. Phalaenopsis & Hard Cane Dendrobiums prefer to grow under a Fibreglass Roof. Direct Sun will burn your Orchids. Too much Shade, They wont Flower.

POTTING We at Fame Orchids use a Specially Treated Orchid Bark Mix with the addition of about 20 % of Perlite for all our Cattleyas, Dendrobiums, Phalaenopsis, Vandas, & Natives... Cymbidium Orchids use a Mix that can have some additional additives such as Peanut Shell, Peat, & Rice Hulls. Try to Re-pot your Orchids at the First Signs of New Growth. as this is when their new roots are generally active.

WATERING Should be done in the Mornings to allow the plant to dry out through the day so it doesn`t spend the night Wet. This can help with the prevention of Fungus which can show up as Black Spots on the Leaves & Blooms. Orchids should be watered about once or twice a week in Winter & two to three times in Summer. We like to keep an even pot weight balance. ”Not Too Heavy or Not Too Light” Watering should be adjusted accordingly, to suit weather conditions. Never Over Water an Orchid. Orchids require Good Drainage. Never let an Orchid sit in a drainage saucer of water. A good tip for your Cymbidiums ! In the months of Jan, Feb, Mar. Use cold water when watering, this will help to lower the Leaf and Root temperature which will assist in Flowering.

FERTILIZER To keep your Orchids in prime condition, they need to be Fed Regularly. The use of special Liquid Fertilizers are applied to the leaves as a Foliar spray in the mornings when the sun is shining. At Fame Orchids we use a High Nitrogen ( HSO-22 ) and High Potassium ( HSO-12 ) liquid fertilizers and alternate HSO-22 & HSO-12 ea application. ( Weekly in the Warmer mths. Fortnightly in the Cooler mths

PESTS & DISEASE On a Monthly basis your Orchids should be treated with a Fungicide, We use Mancozeb, used in conjunction with Eco-oil to protect them from fungal problems like black Botrytis spots. Scale, Aphids & Mites. and other Pests can be controlled by a systemic Pesticide like Confidore. Snails & Slugs can be Treated with Snail Pellets. When Cutting or removing Blooms from your Orchids with Shears or Cutters It’s Imperative that they are Sterilized by Dipping them in a Steriliser, we use 'Steri-kleen' or a 25% Bleach & Water Solution is also ok after each Orchid has been Processed.



Fertilising and Healthy Living for your Orchids ( See programme below )

Fertilising can be an extremely complex exercise. These notes are a basic guide to help you maintain your Orchids in prime condition... Orchids must have a source of Filtered Sunlight 50% to 70% Shade Cloth is just perfect. Although nature provides a process called Photosynthesis, which takes place when the sunlight comes into contact with the leaf surface of all our plants, this process converts the Sunlight into Sugars and Carbohydrates which in turn feed our plants leaf cells, which is vital for their survival. As Orchids are Epiphytic, they take in just about all the nutrients they need through their leaves... To improve the health and vigour of our Orchids, they need to be fed by using a liquid complex fertiliser which is mixed with Water and applied to the leaves as a foliar spray. During the morning, only when the sun is bright as this is when the leaf cells of our plants are Photosynthesising and feeding, hence the best time to feed them...To improve the vegetative Growth of our Orchids we apply HSO 22 which contains a higher percentage of Nitrogen. To improve the Flower production of our Orchids we apply HSO 12 which contains a higher percentage of Potassium. Fame Orchids applies HSO 22 and HSO 12 alternatively. ( See fertilising schedule below ) This helps us maintain a balance of both Nitrogen & Potassium levels in the vast range of Orchids we grow. In general an Orchid can only take up so much fertiliser in any given time... However in low light situations, poor quality potting mixes or during times of plant stress AMINO-K is used which has been prepared with Amino Acids and will assist with the fast up take of Potassium while maintaining high levels of Sugars and Carbohydrates. AMINO-K should only be applied in conjunction with fertilisers... The use of HY-SAN a high quality sanitiser is also added to the Fertiliser to prevent the development of Bacteria, and Algae growth. HY-SAN should also be added if pre soaking the Growing Media to prevent Pathogen growth like Pythium, and Rhizoctonia. It’s also used in dipping plant cuttings to reduce any cross contamination of Bacteria and Virus Pathogens. HY-SAN should also be used to sanitise old pots, seedling trays, work stations, cutting knives & secuteurs... It is also very important for a plant to have clean healthy leaves to enable sufficient feeding capabilities. The application of a Fungicide like Mancozeb, every four weeks will help prevent any fungal disease like botrytis, moulds and mildew on the leaf surface... Healthy Orchids don't generally suffer insect problems, the use of a systemic pesticide like Confidore Concentrate & Eco-oil will control Scale, Mites & Aphids. & should be applied at the first signs of damage. Control Slugs & Snails with Snail Pellets..


General Fertilising and Healthy Living Programme for your Orchids


At Fame Orchids we fertilise once a week in the warmer months and once a fortnight in the cooler months.

We alternate HSO-22 and HSO-12 each time we Fertilise. IE. HSO-22 this time then HSO-12 the next.




High Nitrogen application ‘HSO-22’

( N.P.K. 22-8-12 + Trace Elements + Calcium & Magnesium )

This Fertilizer is used to promote strong vegetative growth.

Rates per 1 litre:

HSO-22 = 1 gr

Amino-k = 1 ml

Hy-san = 25 ml

At these rates, add to the required amount to water and apply to the foliage with a ‘Fine Mist’ spray.

Please see Notes & Tips below before continuing.





High Potassium application ‘HSO-12’

( N.P.K. 12-12-20 + Trace Elements + Calcium & Magnesium )

This Fertilizer is used to assist in active flower development.

Rates per 1 litre:

HSO-12 = 1 gr

Amino-k = 1 ml

Hy-san = 25 ml

At these rates, add to the required amount of water and apply to the foliage by a ‘Fine Mist’ spray.

Please see Notes & Tips below before continuing.




Fungicide your Orchids on a monthly basis

This will help to protect and dry up any fungal damage.

Rates per 1 litre

Mancozeb = 2 gr

Eco-oil = 5 ml

At these rates, add to the required amount of water and saturate foliage until run off is achieved. Allow the Fungicide to also run through the growing media.




Pesticide your Orchids when required

Rates per 1 litre

Confidore Concentrate = ( Use 12 drops per litre to control ‘Long Tail Mealybug’ )

Eco-oil = 5 ml

At these rates, add to the required amount of water and spray foliage until run off is achieved. Spray under the foliage as well.




Notes & Tips

* For Orchid Seedlings, apply HSO-22 each application, then HSO-12 every 4th application to harden them off.

* Apply Fertilizers in the mornings only on a bright sunny day. ( Not a cloudy day ! )

* If using Town water or Tank water or Demineralized water to mix Fertilizers it should be used within 12

hours as the bacteria in the water will deplete the properties of the Fertilizer.

* Mixing Liquid Fertilizers in ‘Distilled water’ ( No bacteria ) will keep the Fertilizer stable over long periods if

storage is required.

* Always fertilize first then water your plants the following day.

* Ensure all Watering & Fertilizing is done in the mornings so that the leaves are dry before night fall.

* Avoid using Wetting agents or Pest Oils in the hot part of the day or when Humidity is high in warmer months.

* Remember when Liquid feeding Orchids, only spray the Foliage. ‘Not the growing Media in the pot’ !