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About Fame Orchids - Brisbane to Gold Coast Orchid Seedlings

The Orchid Nursery with the “Lot” !!


Over the past 30 years we have achieved an excellent standard in providing many quality Orchids to Nurseries, Garden Centres, Florists, Orchid Societies, Enthusiasts and Beginners, Fame Orchids have produced countless numbers of awarded show bench plants, with many Orchid Society Members winning there classes and now displaying their Trophies, for awards they have won with our plants over that time.

So if you’re looking for Orchids in Bloom or Orchid Seedlings or Orchid Shade Houses and Shelving or Orchid Pots or Orchid Mixes or Orchid Fertilizers, Hollow Logs and Timber Mounts, we carry a full range of everything you need in Orchid Culture, with our speciality being our friendly service. With an under cover showroom open 7 days, we also offer a Potting service or a free personal one on one lesson on how to prepare and re pot your Orchids. Every month we have a special for the bargain hunters, not to mention the very best value Orchid Seedlings in town, with quality being our number one priority.

Buses and Garden Clubs are all welcome, just give us a call to confirm your visit dates. So next time your passing by, please drop in for a look.

Your claim to Fame is a Fame Orchid
Est 1978

Fame Orchids Nursery

Was born in 1978 in Thornlands, in the Heart of the Redlands District, South East Queensland. By George and Marie Marshall. This story began back in 1973 when George and Marie sold there “Fish & Chips” Business in Victoria Point, and took there two sons, Todd & Stuart on a round Australia trip of a life time. They only got as far North as Rockhampton, when they all decided to head West out to Emerald, “Central Queensland”. They thought they would give Sapphire mining a go in a little area called “Reward” in the middle of the “Anakie Gem Fields” surviving on powered milk and Maries home made bread, they endured the Hot back breaking work for a number of years. They all agreed it was time for a change and to move on. One day they got talking to one of the Thai Sapphire buyers who was looking at purchasing a piece of land in S.E. Qld to set up an Orchid Nursery. George said he new the area very well and would keep an eye out during his next trip to Brisbane for supplies. George came across a piece of land in Thornlands, and ended up buying this 7 acre property as it was too good to miss, it also had a Fruit Shop on it, so we ended up bringing the Caravan back to the Redlands and become Fruiterers. By then the Thai buyer left a few Orchids here for safe keeping in a make shift Igloo while he went on to look for a block of land to start an Orchid Nursery. That was over 30 years ago, and we’ve never Seen or heard from that Thai buyer since. So those few Orchids have now grown into one of the Largest Orchid Nurseries in South East Queensland ?


Today we pride our selves on offering our Retail and Wholesale customers an extensive range of quality products including flowering Orchids, Orchid Seedlings, Shade Houses display all at competitive prices. We have a one stop shop for all your Orchids Needs and advice, with prompt friendly service being our biggest draw cart ! We operate our family business 7 days a week between 8 am & 4 pm. Drop in and say hi, I’ll bet you don’t leave empty handed, even if it’s just the experience you take with you!

We also offer on site potting demonstrations or a potting service for those who just don’t have the time. Our aim is to please and to promote the Orchid Industry in any way we can.


Your claim to fame is a Fame Orchid